Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mexico to Seattle - Day Four

Morning started at 0100 exiting the marina at San Jose del Cabo.  At 0600 we began to approach and experience Cabo Falso.  The winds and seas were on the nose.  We adjusted our engine but soon were at 3000 rpms and making about 2 knots.  Winds were 30 knots.  I am sure that there were some currents in the mix.  For four hours we worked our way around the corner.  We were advised that staying close to the land in about 100 feet of depth was preferable.  So close to land in those conditions was questionable, but it worked.  "Psyche" was behind us and flew a reefed main and staysail along with motor through the whole rounding and was doing much better than us.  When conditions improved, we put up a similar sail configuration.  Later, we added the Yankee, turned off the engine and got the wind vane going.  For the rest of the afternoon we enjoyed an excellent sail. Given the course, weather conditions, etc, we have just turned the engine on, lowered the head sails and are heading toward Bahia Santa Rosa.  Presently, it is 2200 and our position is 23 deg 36.0 min North and 110 deg. 29.6 min West.  We are running at 2500 rpms and making 3.7 knots.  At issue is our fuel burn which we continue to monitor.  It is desirable to make it to Turtle Bay with our existing fuel supply.  If necessary we will stop at Magdelina Bay but that stop will cost us valuable time and money.  All in all, it has been an exciting day.  I think I need some sleep, so will close for now.

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