Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mexico to Seattle - Day Twelve and Thirteen

Except for dinner ashore last night, we have been pretty much boat bound.  Yesterday, we changed the oil and topped off the batteries.  This morning, we made some revisions to our sail setup.  The staysail was replaced with the storm staysail and the main was reefed to the third reef point.  This is in anticipation of the weather window which is to appear within the next few days.  Monday, the winds are to fall substantially, but the seas are expected to take a little longer allowing for a run across Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino.  The seas are supposed to build from the south, a wonderful concept which has been predicted but, so far, has never materialized.  If so, it should make our voyage much more pleasant.  Tomorrow (Sunday), we will be seriously looking for an opportunity to make a dash for Cedros Island.  There, anchorages on the lee side will allow us to have a 40 to 45 mile leg up on the trip later on Monday.  We are expecting to motor the entire way using the sails for stabilizing and a slight lift.  Our immediate destination will be Cabo San Quintin or Isla de San Martin which are very close together.  Of course, if can, we will go for Ensenada.  But, there is a good chance that we may have couple of days layover.  Hope tomorrow to report some progress.  Will close for now.

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